
New Star Capital Announces Relocation of Monarch Registries to Windermere Community

New Star Capital Announces Relocation of Monarch Registries to Windermere Community New Star Capital is pleased to announce the relocation of Monarch Registries to the fast growing Windermere community in Southwest Edmonton. The new Windermere registry office will operate 12 customer workstations in a 4,000 sq ft building and offer 58 convenient parking stalls for its patrons. Windermere Registry will provide its customers with first class customer service, offering motor vehicle, vital statistics, land titles & personal property, corporate, Alberta health, and driver testing services. […]

New Star Capital Announces New Windermere Development

New Star Capital Announces New Windermere Development New Star Capital is pleased to announce the development of it’s new Windermere project to include a Green Bottle Depot and Clean Car Wash, in partnership with Cameron Development Corporation. Operating in a 25,000 sq ft facility, the Windermere Green Bottle Depot will be the largest beverage container recycling property in Alberta. The business will utilize industry leading technology and provide Edmontonians with a transformational customer experience. The Clean Car Wash Windermere offers […]

Newstar Capital Joins Jackpot Casino

Newstar Capital Joins Jackpot Casino   New Star Capital is pleased to join the Daines Family in the ownership of Jackpot Casino. Jackpot is Central Alberta’s locals casino situated in the heart of downtown Red Deer. Jackpot operates 349 slot machines, 10 VLTs and 11 table games at it’s 23,000 sq ft facility. New Star Capital is excited to work with Jackpot’s management team to transform the business through a complete renovation of the property and expansion of Jackpot’s parking facilities.